How do you get things done whether at work, home or school? The usual process is to analyze, plan, organize, schedule and complete your task in a timely manner. You might not be aware, but this is what’s going through your mind. People with Executive Function Disorder get stuck on one or more of these steps – not just on off days but all the time.

What is Executive Functioning?

Executive functions are the skills that help you get stuff done, such as organizing and regulating your life. When your executive functioning runs smoothly you’re skilled at time management, multitasking, flexible thinking, switching focus, recalling details and understanding social cues. These things happen due to a sequence of thoughts and actions that lead you to achieve a goal.

Executive Function Disorder vs. ADHD

Many people with ADHD have trouble with their executive functioning. But many adults and children without any type of medical diagnosis also need help with their executive functioning skills. So how can you tell the difference?

To be ADHD is to be hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive. In addition to those traits, people with ADHD can’t get from Step A to Step B without taking a lengthy, circuitous route. People with Executive Function Disorder have difficulty initiating and completing daily tasks. Being tired, preoccupied or overwhelmed is not an excuse. This is a chronic issue, but there are no signs of being impulsive or hyper.

Executive Function Disorder In Adults
Adults with compromised executive function can’t keep track of personal items, have difficulty following conversations, often arrive late, are easily frustrated and can’t prioritize work.

Executive Function Disorder In Kids
Kids with fractured executive function often have trouble staying on task, get stuck on ideas, are surprised by failure, have difficulty making social plans, procrastinate and take things extremely personally.

How To Manage Executive Function Disorder

We can coach you to improve these areas of your, to your child’s life:

  • Manage time
  • Pay attention
  • Switch focus
  • Plan and organize
  • Remember details
  • Avoid saying or doing the wrong thing
  • Do things based on your experience

The creADDive Solutions coaches will work with you to develop a personalized game plan.

This might include:

  • Introducing visual organizational aids 
  • Creating checklists
  • Using technology to your advantage
  • Scheduling time for transitions
  • Breaking assignments into blocks
  • Practicing flexible thinking
  • Organizing work spaces